Leadership Skills
Leader plays a very important role for the success of any agency or organization. So how to have effective leadership approach to develop business to the highest level?
Motivation Skills
Staff is an important resource in the development of the business. So how to encourage and promote the creativity, confidence of your staff to complete work well. How affects Motivation on psychological behavior of individuals and the success of the business?
8 Tips of Marketing expert to develop your career
Whoever you are- job seekers, small business owners or those who have business ideas, all of them wish to develop their careers. As the author mentioned in the article is view of marketing expert Marshall James Reilly: Career Development- "Not only to find a job, but also to build a life."
Entrepreneurship Development
Best Entrepreneurship Center (BEC) triển khai Chương trình Phát triển Tinh thần Doanh nhân với hỗ trợ của Trường MIT Sloan (Mỹ) và Viện Phát triển Tinh thần Doanh nhân EDI (plan).
7 Steps to a Culture of Innovation
We live in a business world accelerating at a dizzying speed and teeming with ruthless competition. As most of the tangible advantages of the past have become commoditized, creativity has become the currency of success. A 2010 study of 1,500 CEOs indicated that leaders rank creativity as No. 1 leadership attribute needed for prosperity. It's the one thing that can't be outsourced; the one thing that's the lifeblood of sustainable competitive advantage.
Negotiating for Wimps
Negotiating is a fact of business life. How to ask for what you want- and get it. Eleven tips for the confrontation. Here are a few ways to make negotiating a little less stressful, a little more fun, and a lot more successful:
Avoid conflict and broken trust
While negotiations are inherently risky, there are proven ways to reduce risk and improve your odds of success. To do so, you must focus on the very basis of your relationship with the other party: trust.