Meaning name of Best


Best aims to create the best conditions for your development, the best benefit for enterprises, and contributes the best for long-term development in Vietnam.

Best was formed by 4 letters: B (Business), E (Entrepreneurship), S (Skills) and T (Technology).  The leaders and management success in the future is convergence both four angles: Stability in business (B), Strong entrepreneurship (E), Mastering Soft skills (S), and Understanding technology (T).

Best was originated in the spring of 2010 in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA - where Harvard and MIT Institute of Technology located in.  These leading schools in the U.S. and in the world emphasis on knowledge systems and developed capabilities, practical experience – those create superior ability and bring success. The Best ideological origin contributes to the development and new success of the Vietnamese and Vietnam enterprises.

The founders and consultants’ goal of Best- through Training Programs, Consulting, and Promoting of Best - transfer knowledge, skills and experience to bring new success for Vietnam enterprises. Best is aimed at promoting Vietnamese businesses and corporations for a steadily growing and advancing development. Further, Best is expected to contribute to the upgrading of Vietnam's economic position, globally.
Best for the Future!

Sincerely yours.

Group of founder and advisers.

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